Wednesday, April 29, 2009

College Scholarship Tips

College Scholarship Tips
Story By: John Romero
Source: KOAA
High college costs and a down economy are making things difficult for parents and students alike.
As a mother of a high school student, Dee Staggs wondered how her son could go to college. “A few years ago I started to think how am I going to afford this?" She says your best bet is to start early. “There are scholarships available for students in junior high,” says Staggs. “I really recommend starting at that time. They'll let you save that money until you start college."

For seniors getting ready to graduate, there are a huge number of scholarship and grant options. Staggs says many are awarded to certain ethnic groups or to those looking at a specific career. “What I’ve found very recently is there are sponsors’ looking for African-American’s who want to go into journalism. For those going into the medical field, there’s so many opportunities for scholarships and grants too.”

But these scholarships aren’t only geared towards teens who are entering college for the first time. For adult students looking to go back to school there’s plenty of money to be found too. “There are scholarships for women, like those who haven't been in the workforce for quite some time, like a displaced homemaker. And if you're a single mom there are scholarships for that."

The most important thing is to just be patient. The money is out there, it just takes time to find it all.

College Scholarship Tips



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