Saturday, May 9, 2009

What College Counselors Are Telling Class of 2009 Grads About Careers

What College Counselors Are Telling Class of 2009 Grads About Careers
NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. -- With the highest national unemployment rate since 1983 and a record six million unemployed, the Class of 2009 is facing a huge but not impossible job search challenge.
Merrimack College Director of Career Services and Cooperative Education, James Greeley, tells soon-to-be graduates that the keys to finding employment are: Preparation, Perseverance, Flexibility, and very importantly, Networking.
• Every graduate must have a professional looking resume highlighting accomplishments, not merely responsibilities. Working with a career counselor is essential in producing resumes that result in job interviews. Also, an articulate and concise cover letter outlining strengths and emphasizing how one can contribute to the company is both valuable and necessary. Finally, utilize Web sites specific to career goals - almost every profession has a variety of sites available.
• The meek may one day inherit the Earth, but they may not get a job in 2009. It’s natural at times to get discouraged, but the most motivated, aggressive, enthusiastic job seekers who utilize the various avenues available (career centers, on-line recruitment tools, Career Builder, Monster, Craigslist, LinkedIn, etc., and placement agencies) will ultimately find a job.
• 2009 is not a time to be especially picky. If a position isn’t a “dream job” or ideal starting salary or even a second or third choice, pursue it anyway. At the very least, it will provide “real job” experience to strengthen the resume and assist in applying for more attractive and challenging positions once the economy improves.
• 80% of all jobs attained are the result of some form of networking. In this economy, the percentage is closer to 90%. Professionals in career centers have extensive communication with hiring managers; alumni offices have large databases of alumni working at numerous companies; your family, neighbors, former supervisors, etc. Networking possibilities are extensive.

What College Counselors Are Telling Class of 2009 Grads About Careers



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